Scoil Rince Ní Bhraonáin
What We Stand For
Irish dancing isn't like other dance forms. There are physical differences, like the extraordinary core strength required to get clicks over your head while keeping your body straight and your arms at your side. There is the strength, speed and grace it takes to execute a perfect flutter-kick mid-air, or "hang a jump" while remaining perfectly still. But those are just mechanics: the true difference is in our culture.
When you join Scoil Rince Ní Bhraonáin, you're not just learning a beautiful craft; you're joining a family. You are participating in a culture that is much more than dance steps. Whether it was the energy of a soft-shoe reel, the lilting elegance of the slip jig or the pounding excitement of the treble reel that attracted you to Irish dancing, it is the sense of family and community that will encourage you to stay.
At SRNB, we celebrate Irish culture in every way. Sure, you'll learn a bit of Irish language. You'll dance in lots of church halls and parades. You'll compete at feis. But equally, you'll learn the other parts of being Irish, like the humility it takes to genuinely congratulate your rivals when they beat you fair and square. We'll be celebrating right beside you when you're floating on Cloud 9 from your competitive accomplishments. But like your Irish grandmother, we'll also bring you right back down to reality the next day and expect to see you working toward your next challenge. Every day, you'll be held to a high standard; and while that will bring moments of fulfillment, there are also days when you'll hope to never see another drill or hear another word about turnout or crossover. That's a signal to start listening all over again, because SRNB is also a diva-free zone. In our house, hard work, gratefulness and dedication are the first values you'll learn. When you've got those down, we can talk about celebrating your talent.
Make no mistake: it's not easy to be an Irish dancer. Learning your sevens and threes is just the beginning, and even if you have the physique, rhythm and stamina it takes to be great, it requires more of you than that. From the minute you take the dance floor, you will be loved and accepted for who you are and what you bring of yourself. On your part, you are expected to bring a winner's attitude and a desire to participate. You'll need to listen constantly and actively set goals. You'll need to understand what it is to accept correction with grace, and to act on that correction. You'll need devotion, because there will be days when you're discouraged. When that happens there will always be someone there to dry your tears and help you pick yourself up - but we'll also expect you to push through, learn the lesson, and come back ready to move ahead.
If you've seen the Ní Bhraonáin Dancers perform, you know that we believe in demonstrating our craft with great joy. But if you've got that drive, and you want to take it to the limit, bring everything you've got in your toolkit - because joy is also your reward when you've met your most precious goals.
It is said in Ireland: An áit a bhuil do chroí is ann a thabharfas do chosa thú: your feet will bring you to where your heart is.