Scoil Rince Ní Bhraonáin
Need Help Improving Your Technique, Strength, or Flexibility?
Is your dancer looking for tools outside of the classroom to help with their dancin? Look no further! Here are some links to helpful websites, videos, and PDFs that are full of great information to help your dancer imrpove their performance. Zee will periodically add more helpful links that your dancer can use. Our goal is to build a library of information your dancer can access outside of the dance studio when they are working on their dancing at home.
What to look for in Irish dancing? Check out this great article by Diddlyi that touches on the four main aspects of our sport:

Feet & Arches:
Yoga instruction on stretching the feet -
How to get higher on your toes -
Posture & Feet:
Jean Butlers Irish dance Posture instruction -
Turn out:

Helpful DVD's:
Jean Butler's Irish Dance Master Class